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4 books in series: Branion

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The Stone Prince
by Fiona Patton

Series: Branion
Book 1 of 4
As the eternally rebellious Heathlands plot a bold new campaign of war, Crown Prince Demnor must not only overcome traitors within the court and the ever-growing rebel forces, but he must also master the birthright power which could well prove his doom.
Gay characters. Gender-neutral society- women can hold titles like Duke and Prince
gay, queered culture, 1997 Adult

The Painter Knight
by Fiona Patton

Series: Branion
Book 2 of 4
In th kingdom of Branion, the hereditary royal line is blessed -or cursed- with the power of the Flame, a magic which can as easily destroy its human vessel as well as whatever foe it has been unleashed against. Two hundred years before the events of THE STONE PRINCE, Branion is beseiged by a civil war, and only Simon, Court Painter and closest friend of the kingdom's ruler, can find the courage to rescue a young child--the heir to the Flame--from becoming a victim in the family power struggle!
Gay characters, society with complete gender equality (women and men can hold the same ranks)
gay, queered culture, 1998 Adult

The Granite Shield
by Fiona Patton

Series: Branion
Book 3 of 4
A prequel to The Stone Prince and The Painter Knight, The Granite Shield is an equally rich action- and conflict-packed novel, replete with battles, politics, religious and Court intrigues, and focusing around a family gifted with the magic of the Flame, a power which can give its wielder the world or consume him.
Gay characters
gay, 1999 Adult

The Golden Sword
by Fiona Patton

Series: Branion
Book 4 of 4
Acclaimed author Fiona Patton returns with a brilliant fourth novel in her epic saga of an alternate Great Britain. Camden DeKathrine is expected to be the perfect Branion Sword Knight, dedicated to the realm's ruling Avatar of Flame. But instead, claimed by the Aspect of Wind, he is being drawn into the heart of an ancient heresy which will challenge the power of the Living God. And on the eve of the five hundredth anniversary of DeMarion rule in Branion, the centuries-old conflict threatens to destroy not only Camden and his comrades but the entire Physical and Prophetic Realms...
Gay characters, society with complete gender equality (women and men can hold the same ranks)
gay, queered culture, 2001 Adult

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