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3 books in series: Outremer

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Tower of the King's Daughter
by Chaz Brenchley

Series: Outremer
Book 1 of 3
The Kingdom of Outremer was born of blood and pain and passion; forty years on, enemies still threaten its borders and heresy still threatens its peace. The Society of Ransom is the Kingdom's conscience, and its sword-arm too. In the Ransomer's remote border stronghold of Roq de Rancon, its walls echoing with ancient magic and forgotten secrets, a tale of love, duty and betrayal will unfold: for Marron, a young man newly sworn to the brotherhood; for Julianne, daughter of the King's Shadow, en route to her wedding in Elessi; and for Elisande, her mysterious companion. All have a part to play in the coming upheaval, for their lives are intrinsically bound up with the fate of Outremer.
Gay characters
gay, multiple culture, FPOC, Indigenous, MULTIPLE, Unspecified 1998 Adult

Feast of the King's Shadow
by Chaz Brenchley

Series: Outremer
Book 2 of 3
The Kingdom of Outremer was raised on sands steeped in the blood of war, and to war it is returning. The Sharai tribes, bitter and divided in defeat, have regrouped in their stronghold at Rhabat. Observing an uneasy truce under the banner of the charismatic Hasan, they await the coming of the Ghost Walker, long-promised deliverer of their people. The Ghost Walker has indeed returned, but not to the Sharai. Marron is a former Ransomer from Outremer who does not yet fully understand what he has become. His companions know more about the power he now wields, and insist that his destiny lies with theirs in Rhabat. But their motives are far from united. One thing is certain: whoever controls the Ghost Walker controls the future of Outremer. But Marron has a will of his own...
Gay characters in first book, diverse cast
gay, multiple culture, FPOC, Indigenous, MULTIPLE, Unspecified 1999 Adult

Hand of the King's Evil
by Chaz Brenchley

Series: Outremer
Book 3 of 3
The Kingdom of Outremer was forged from the hot blood and cold steel of battle but a fragile peace has come at last. Still, the threat of war stalks its borders and heresy lurks within, the poison seeping from its own renegade state of Surayon. Julianne, already wife to a lord of Outremer, has married the kingdom's greatest enemy, Hasan - war-leader of the mighty Sharai tribes. Kidnapped on her wedding night, she is held captive in an abandoned castle, the lure for a trap whose intended prey is far from clear. As Julianne's friends rush to her rescue, Hasan follows them with his whole army in pursuit. An army of the poor is also marching to an uncertain end, following a preacher with a blessed relic and a gift for miracles. And as the righteous rise to cleanse Outremer, all paths converge on the vanished state of Surayon - whose borders can only be breached by treachery and blood.
gay characters, diverse cast
gay, multiple culture, FPOC, Indigenous, MULTIPLE, Unspecified 2002 Adult

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